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ontario peach & nectarine


Peaches and nectarines are low in calories, fat and sodium and contain vital nutrients that help  maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Ontario leads Canada in both peach and nectarine production with 82 per cent of the national production.

Peach varieties

Semi-Freestone Peaches
The flesh of these peaches partially clings to the pit and are excellent for eating out-of-hand. Varieties include Harrow Diamond, Springcrest, Candor, Harrow Dawn, Early Redhaven, Garnet Beauty, Risingstar, Brighton, Sunhaven, Harbelle and Sentinel.

Freestone Peaches
The flesh of a freestone peach separates easily from the pit, making it perfect both for eating fresh and for preserving. Varieties include Redhaven, Vivid, Harbite, Harson, Blazingstar, Harrowfair, Starfire, Veeglo, Harrow Beauty, Loring, PF24, Allstar, Coralstar, , Redskin, Glowingstar and Harcrest.

Nectarine Varieties

Fantasia has firm yellow flesh; the skin is bright red over a yellow background. It's great for eating with intense flavour.

Harblaze is a medium to large fruit with yellow flesh and mostlyred skin.

ontario peach & nectarine news

SEPTEMBER 12, 2022

Sustainable food production at the core of Ontario’s tender fruit orchards

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JULY 11, 2022

Let Ontario’s fruit dazzle you with flavour and freshness this year!

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APRIL 27, 2022

Making local tree fruit a number one choice for Ontario consumers

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SEPTEMBER 23, 2021

85,000 New Trees and Vines Will Strengthen the Resilience of Niagara’s Tender Fruit Sector

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ontario peach & nectarine events


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